Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Run + Jump + Throw Club

Fun and inclusive athletics sessions for children!

Children from P2 to S1 will start in our Run + Jump + Throw Club sessions.

What is it?

RJT focuses on fundamental movement skills and helps children learn vital skills which they will need as they develop. Children are introduced to a range of athletic events, basic skills, balance, coordination and speed sessions; the essential ABC's of all sports.

The programme is based around athletics, but the skills acquired can be extremely beneficial to children across a wide variety of sports.

The club operates in a safe, relaxed and friendly environment, allowing children to enjoy their experience, make new friends and to progress.

It is widely recognised that athletic activities - running, jumping and throwing - underpin every sport.

Who is it for?

Children who want to have fun, participate, make friends and learn new and exciting skills.

The sessions are tailored to suit children of all skill levels from beginners to those who have already taken part in introductory athletics programmes, holiday courses or local community competitions.

When is it?

P2 - P3 P4 - P5 P6 - S1
Mon 6.20 - 7.20 pm 6.20 - 7.20 pm 6.20 - 7.20 pm
Wed 6.20 - 7.20 pm 6.20 - 7.20 pm 6.20 - 7.20 pm
Fri 4.00 - 5.00 pm 4.00 - 5.00 pm 5.15 - 6.15 pm

Where is it?

The RJT club is based at the outdoor athletics track at Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston.

How do I register?

You can register online, with payment by monthly direct debit. There is a link to the registration form at the bottom of this page.

Do you have space?

Please check the registration form for up-to-date availability. When a session is full, we will close registration.

What are the holiday dates?

Holiday Dates
Easter 2025 Mon 7 Apr - Fri 18 Apr
October Mon 20 Oct - Fri 24 Oct
Christmas Mon 8 Dec - Fri 9 Jan

Can I have a taster?

Payment is by monthly direct debit, so you can register for a month and cancel for any reason with no notice period.

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