Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

EGM - Special Resolution - Wed 12 Aug

 11 August 2015

Change of Name, Legal Structure & Constitution

Special Resolution - Livingston & District AAC to change its legal structure from an Unincorporated Association to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), to adopt a new constitution appropriate for this structure and to formally change the club name to "Livingston Athletic Club".

As per the requirements of the constitution of the Club - Clause 6, General Meetings, and Clause 12, Amendments to the Constitution - the Management Committee of the Club voted to call an EGM for the purpose of a membership vote on the above Special Resolution.

The EGM will take place on Wednesday 12th August 2015 at 9.00 PM at Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston.

The Management Committee would like you to vote in favour of the above resolution.

Please see the document below for full details on the proposed resolution.

For such an important resolution your participation is very important and we would request that you attend Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston, on Wednesday 12th August 2015 at 9.00 PM.

Each fully paid-up member has one vote and parents should vote on behalf of members aged under 16.

Opportunities to discuss or clarify the arrangements surrounding the resolution will be given ahead of the formal vote.
