Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Membership Renewals / Expectations

 28 January 2013

On 1st July last year, the club stopped accepting new junior members on a Wednesday night as we reached our limit for track and coaching capacity. There is currently over 70 names on a waiting list to attend induction sessions for potential members.

Membership renewal forms for existing members will be posted out at the start of February and are due back by the end of February.

The renewal process is not automatic. We are keen for all members to get the most they can from the club. While athletics will have different priorities for different members, there is a basic expectation of what the club requires from members:

Members are expected to commit to regular training, with a minimum 70% attendance record, and participate fully in the club, including taking part in team competitions.

The standard of any individual athlete is not important, but all athletes are expected to try hard to reach their full potential.

Members are expected to represent the club regularly in team and individual competitions. At a minimum, athletes should be competing in a least two competitions over the Winter months and four competition during the Summer.

Members are expected to treat each other equally, with respect, and abide with the club's constitution and code of conduct at all times. Both documents are available on the club website.

Additionally, as the club is run entirely by volunteers, senior members and the parents/guardians of junior members are required assist the volunteers in some capacity each year on a rota basis. We ask all parents to assist for about 6 hours per year.