Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

2012 AGM Update

 31 December 2012

Thanks to all the members and parents who attended the club's AGM at Craigswood Sports Centre on Wednesday 14th November.

Congratulations to all the athletes who won prizes!

Thanks to Neil McFarlane who has done an excellent job as treasurer over the last three years and leaves the club in a strong financial position. Welcome to Lynn Paul who is taking over from Neil as treasurer.

The proposed changes to membership fees were unanimously accepted. From 1st January the annual membership fee for seniors will therefore be £25 per year, and from 1st April the monthly membership fee for anyone training on a Wednesday night will be £12 per month payable by standing order.

There will also be changes to the volunteer rota in 2013. The rota will no longer be restricted to officiating and, in conjunction with the annual membership renewals, parents will be able to choose what area of the club they can help with.