Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Can you help us?

 6 November 2012

In many respects it has been a successful year for Livingston & District AAC. We won promotion to the top division in the CSSAL; in the FVL we finished 3rd in division 1, our highest ever placing; three midweek open meetings gave hundreds of athletes the chance to compete; and individual athletes won 17 medals at national level.

However, the club only exists thanks to a small group of volunteers, and a shortage of volunteers will continue to prevent the club and the athletes from achieving their potential.

With the AGM approaching, this is the time of year when we ask you to think about how you can help the club?


The club treasurer will be standing down at the AGM after 3 years in the post. For the club to continue to function the role of treasurer needs to be filled.

The main responsibilities of club treasurer include; keeping the income and expenditure spreadsheet updated; collect, count and bank income; and organise payment of supplier invoices. Further details about the role are available below.

Please speak to Alistair if you are interested in the role or have any questions about what would be involved.


Would you like to influence how the club is run?

You could join the committee as an ordinary member and assist with occasional small tasks. Commitment: Two hours every two months to attend committee meetings.


Could you spare at least one Wednesday evening per month to help with coaching?

You'd start as a helper to one of the existing coaches, big groups are easier to manage with an extra pair of hands, with the option to attend an introductory coaching course if you wanted to progress.

Team Managers

Currently the coaches also take on this additional responsibility so it would be great to get more parents involved in managing the athletes at league matches. Again, with a few more people involved, the teams become easier to manage. Commitment: 3 league matches per year.


Would you like to write fixture reviews for the club website or the local press? A few different parents/athletes could do a league each to share the load.

There are also many other ways in which you can help the club - a full list of roles is available via the link below.

We really do need more people involved in the running of the club.

Please consider how you can help and speak to Alistair on Wednesday night if you'd like more information on any of the roles or think there is another way in which you can help the club?
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