Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

New Members from 1 July

 13 June 2012

The club's membership numbers have increased significantly over the last year, and are expected to increase further still over the Summer months as a result of the Olympics in London.

As there is limited track and coaching capacity on a Wednesday night, from 1 July the club will no longer be accepting new junior members on a Wednesday night.

Please can we ask all members not to "bring along a friend" to training nights.

Instead, all potential new members will be asked to register for a set block of trial sessions starting in late August, after which, depending on space, some will be invited to join the club.

Obviously the club are reluctant to turn away any keen new members, so, to increase space, this will also be a good opportunity to review the memberships of current members that are not meeting the club's expectations as set out in the constitution, code of conduct and member's handbook.

The club's main expectations are:

1. For members to represent the club in competitions. At a minimum, athletes should be taking part in at least four club/league competitions during the year.

2. Members are also expected to attend training regularly and put in the effort required at training to reach their full potential.

3. The club is completely run by volunteers and the parents of junior members are expected to give up a few hours of their time each year to assist the club's volunteers in some capacity.

In the first instance, anyone who joined the club before 2012, and hasn't taken part in any club or league competitions this year, will be directed to a more appropriate outlet for recreational fitness. Competition attendance figures are published on the club website.

If anyone has any questions about any of the above, please feel free to speak to one of the coaches or committee members.