Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

AGM Details - Wed 24 Nov

 23 November 2010

The club's AGM and Annual Awards Evening will be held on Wednesday 24th November from 7.15 PM at Craigswood Sports Centre. There is no training on this night.

All club members and parents are invited.

The AGM will be held first, followed by the presentation of club championship trophies, performance incentive program rewards and then the annual performance & endeavour trophies. The full agenda is in the file below.

Club Captains

At the AGM, club members will get a chance to cast their votes for male and female club captains.

Only members aged 16+ can be nominated as club captain, but all members can vote.

Club captains will be expected to set a positive example to younger athletes, have a near perfect competition attendance record and input athlete feedback to the club committee.

Volunteer Rota for Officiating at League Matches

At league matches the club have a quota of between 4 to 8 officials to fill as a requirement for league affiliation, and in the CSSAL we even get league points for providing officials that can be the difference between promotion and relegation.

As the club have been continuously short of parental help with officiating duties this year, we are therefore proposing to introduce a volunteer rota for the parents/guardians of all junior members on the following basis:
The rota would cover officiating at league matches and club events.
A rota would be issued every 3 months, with the first rota issued in mid December for January to March.
It would be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to find a replacement if they were unable to attend.

The officiating duties at league matches can be as simple as raking the long jump pit or collecting shots/javelins and do not require any previous experience of athletics.

Membership Fees

There will be no changes proposed to the membership fees this year.

Thanks to everyone who has supported the payment of membership fees by monthly standing order that was introduced after last year's AGM.

Paying membership fees by standing order has been a great help in reducing the club desk/treasurer workload.