Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Central & South League Availability - Sun 23 July

 9 July 2023

Entries are open for the third round of the Central & South of Scotland League (CSSAL) at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena in Kilmarnock on Sunday 23 July.

The club compete in Division 2 with all matches starting at 11.30 am and finishing at approximately 4.30 pm.

This is a great entry level league for all Club/RJT athletes aged 9+ to compete in.


Please use the availability form to let to let the team managers know if you're available or not for this match.

For team competitions, availability forms should always be submitted even if you are not available, as it saves club volunteers chasing people for availability if we have spaces to fill.

The last date to confirm availability is midnight on Friday 14 July.

Parent Helpers

Parent helpers are required at every match. To compete in the league we need to provide 5 volunteers to help the officials.

We also require parents to help the team managers with organising the athletes.

Please add a note to the availability form if you can help, and your preferred role (helping team managers or officials).


Club transport is available from Craigswood Sports Centre leaving at 9.15 am and returning at approximately 6.00 pm. There will be a pick-up and drop-off at Harthill Service Station at approximately 9.30 am and 5.45 pm.

The bus cost is £6 per person to a maximum of £15 per family (parents and athletes). Fees for the bus will be collected by direct debit after you submit your availability form.

Athletes making their own travel arrangements should be at the venue for 10.30 am.


Once the availability period has closed, the team managers will get feedback from coaches on the athletes who are available, and then they will select the teams.

As this is a team competition with only 2 places per event per age group per club, and a limited selection of events, athletes will usually only be doing 2 events each, and may not be doing their favourite event!

There are one or two age groups where we have a large number of athletes which means, because this is a league match with a limited number of places per team, we may not be able to accommodate absolutely everyone who wants to compete. But for most age groups, we usually always require more athletes than are available.

At league matches, the emphasis is on participation and competing as a part of a team, and the team managers will ensure that places are allocated fairly.

The provisional teams sheets and final arrangements will be emailed, usually a few days before the competition.

Age Groups

All club members in the Under 11 to Masters age groups are eligible to compete in this league.

Athletes must be at least 9 years of age on the day of competition.

U11: Born 01/09/2012 - 23/07/2014
U13: Born 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2012
U15: Born 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2010
U17: Born 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2008
SEN: Born 24/07/1988 - 31/08/2006
MAS: Born 23/07/1988 or before
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