Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

AGM Update

 25 November 2009

Thanks to all the members and parents who attended the club AGM at Craigswood Sports Centre last Wednesday.

Thanks to the three outgoing office bearers for all their hard work over the years - since 2006 Andy Sneddon has filled a plethora of jobs including club secretary, welfare & disclosure officer, team manager and coach; Sue McDowall has been membership secretary for more years than I can remember; and Myra McLean "held the fort" as treasurer over the summer season.

Welcome to the three new office bearer: Neil McFarlane (Treasurer), Laura Rooney (Welfare & Disclosure Officer) and Antoinette Hummerstone (Membership Secretary).

The other main development from the AGM was the proposed changes to membership and training fees which were unanimously voted in meaning all junior members and some senior members will now pay a monthly membership fee by standing order.