Livingston Open Meeting - Arrangements
Arrangements for the Open Meeting on Wednesday night now that entries have closed:
Declarations open at 6.00 pm in the athletics pavilion (overlooking the finish line). You're expected to declare at least 45 minutes before the start time of your first event, with final declarations strictly 30 minutes before the published start time of each event. Last declarations will be at 8.00 pm.
For track events, if after declaring you later decide to withdraw from an event, please inform the declarations team so you are not seeded into a race.
Vest numbers should be worn front and back with each number secured by 4 safety pins, except high jump where only a front number is required.
The final timetable for Wednesday night is available below.
After declaring and warming-up, please report to the start area for your event 5 minutes before the published start time.
Track events will be seeded based on performance only (not age group), with the heats ordered fastest to slowest.
The high jump is split into three pools based on personal best, not age group, each pool with a different starting height. Athletes with no personal best are in the pool with the lowest starting height. Progressions will be in 5cm increments from the starting height.
Tea/coffee, home baking and filled rolls will be available throughout the evening in the club room overlooking the 100m start.
We'd appreciate more donations of home baking from club members please.
Club Kit
Club kit including vests, crop tops, hoodies and tracksuit bottoms will be available for purchase from the pavilion.
Hoodies can be ordered if your size is not in stock. We are also taking orders for waterproof jackets.
New members don't need to wear a club vest and trainers are fine if you don't have spikes yet, unless it's raining in which case spikes would be required for certain events.
Car Parking / Location
The athletics track is located at Craigswood Sports Centre, Craigswood, Livingston, EH54 5ER.
The sports centre car park is usually very busy, so we recommend you park on the industrial estate roads (Harrysmuir Road or Grange Road) to the east of the sports centre, as indicated on the map below.
From the industrial estate, there's an access path (via Harrysmuir Road) leading to the back of the Sports Centre which is a 2-4 minute walk.
Please show consideration for the residents of Craigswood and do NOT park on the residential streets opposite the Sports Centre.
Toilets / Changing Rooms
Toilets and changing rooms are available in the main sports centre building.
Spectators should remain outside of the track and field competition areas at all times. Athletes should also avoid crossing the finish line when they're not competing and another race is in progress, as this may interfere with the photofinish.
The infield is restricted to technical officials only, please walk around the outside of the track when moving around the arena.
Please don't bring dogs into the arena, the entire sports centre complex is a dog-free zone.
Officials & Volunteers
Thanks to all those who have volunteered to help, the rota will be emailed to you shortly.
Entry Lists
Entry lists are available via the link below. If contacting us about any errors or omissions, please provide your entry confirmation number or reply to your confirmation email.
Start Lists / Live Results
Track events will be seeded into heats on Wednesday night, after declarations close for each event. Approximately 10 minutes before the start time for each track event, start lists will then be posted on the athletics pavilion window and also available online via the link below.
Live results will also be available online during the evening via the link below.
Related Internet Links