Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Fundraising Scratch Cards

 1 June 2016

The club's fundraising sub-group will be handing out football team scratch cards during the week to help raise funds for the club.

Many aspects of the club are currently free or heavily subsidised - including entry fees for open meetings, league matches and national events, and bus transport to league matches - so the fundraising will help maintain these membership benefits.

The scratch cards are a fun way to raise funds.

Each card has 40 squares with football team names which should be sold for £1 each. Once all the squares are sold, scratch off the silver panel to reveal the winning team name. £20 goes to the winner and £20 goes to the club.

Please speak to Nicola Hamilton or Viv Allison at training if you have any questions about this fundraising initiative.

Parent's Fundraising & Social Group

We're also looking to recruit more NEW volunteers to the fundraising and social events sub-group.

The sub-group is being established separate from the main committee as most of the existing committee already have multiple roles (committee, coaching, team managing), and fundraising and social events were agreed to be a neglected area that needed a new focussed group involving new volunteers. Nicola will lead the group on behalf of the committee.

The club's recent change to a charitable organisation opens up a number of new fund raising avenues, and more social activities is a frequent request from club members.

The group would meet informally, during club training sessions, and involvement in the group would require a commitment of at most a few hours per month.

Can YOU spare a few hours per month to help out?

Please speak to Nicola if you'd like more details.