Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Social Media Guidance for Coaches & Volunteers

 1 July 2016

We recirculate the scottishathletics social media guidance document annually to all adults who are in a position of responsibility with regards to young people at athletics clubs.

Today social media and other forms of electronic communication have many positive benefits for promoting the club, communicating with members and recruiting new athletes and volunteers.

However, there are of course potential pitfalls, particularly regarding safeguarding children online.

All coaches, volunteers, officials and other helpers should familiarise themselves with this document.

It's also useful for athletes and parents to be aware of the recommendations, which include:

  • It is inappropriate for adult coaches to communicate on a one to one basis with athletes under the age of 18 years by text message, e-mail, instant messaging or through social networking sites.
  • Adults should NOT have athletes under the age of 18 as their 'friends' on social networking sites when the primary reason for the relationship is athletics and they have a position of trust in relation to that young person. Should a young person in your club request to become a named friend on your social networking page or request that you become a named friend on their page you should decline.
  • Adults are advised to consider carefully what they post as some comments can be seen by friends of friends. This also applies to comments left on other people's pages and the sharing of photographs. Consider your position as a role model in this area.