Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Leading Athletics Workshop - Wed 4 May

 4 April 2016

The club are hosting a Leading Athletics coaching workshop from scottishathletics.

Based on the Run, Jump and Throw concept, this workshop will give volunteers a basic knowledge of athletics and leadership.

Who: The workshop is open to parents and senior athletes with limited or no knowledge of athletics and coaching who help or are interested in helping the coaches at the club

Date: Wednesday 4 May

Time: 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm

Venue: Community Room, Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston

Cost: Free

Booking: Please contact Ian Hardacre to book a place

Contact: For any further information please contact Ian

The workshop is designed to give an introduction to leading athletics activities for young / developing athletes. It aims to provide the theory of delivery whilst offering the attendee opportunities to lead activities from a range of task cards (which form part of the resource available following the workshop).

The practical sessions are initially tutor-led, however as much opportunity as possible will be given throughout the workshop for attendees to experience the key elements of leading for themselves.

Volunteers will be given a resource to use in the club that includes detailed Task Cards that they should use under the supervision of a fully qualified coach.

Further details are in the flyer below.