Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

Coaching Structure 2009

 10 May 2009

Over the winter months, the coaching staff have been planning improvements to the club's coaching structure, which they will soon begin implementing in various stages.

The coaching improvements are designed to refocus the club as a progressive organisation dedicated to the development of competitive athletes.

The main aspects of the changes include:
Structured 6 week training blocks, with the weekly emphasis alternating between fitness/strength work, and skills/technical work.
Rotation of coaches after each block, so all the club's athletes and coaches get the opportunity to work together.
Athletes working in four training groups based on age (u11, u13, u15 and u17/u20), with scope for athletes that excel within their own age group to train with an older age group.
Clearly defined development plans for athletes from the age of 9 upwards, with annual reviews for athletes aged 12 upwards to discus what they want to get out of athletics and the creation of personal development plans for the year.
Increased and regular communication between athletes, parents and coaches.
Additional training opportunities for athletes at u13 and above.
Further information about the changes will be announced via the club website.
Further information about the changes will be announced via the club website

If you have any feedback or questions about the changes, or would like to discuss your child's progress, the coaches are always available at the start and end of training on Wednesday nights.